O'Connors Property Reports - Sydney

4/10 Diggings Terrace, Thredbo Village (Lot4 SP1119757)

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Strata Report

Inspection Date: 18/05/2022
51 pages
10 Diggings Terrace is a 3-storey plus attic apartment building, which was built in 1994 with weatherboard & partly stone clad rendered conctrete block walls, timber & concrete floors, timber framed windows and a pitched metal roof.
We have prepared this report using our Strata Report template, however the building is not strata titled and is owned and run by the Lhotsky Apartment Association and the building is on leasehold land controlled by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services, as are all buildings in Thredbo.
We enclose elevations & plans of the building, photos of the building's exterior, together with Certificate of Incorporation of Association dated 20/10/94 and a letter dated 08/09/93 from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service granting building approval.

Report Price

Original price was: $332.00.Current price is: $232.40. inc GST

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